Airfield - Reggiane fighters

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                                                                                                                           (Courtesy of Mr. Conti - approx. 1943)
1 - Sergeants and warrant officers club
2 - Officers club
3 - Hangars of Regia Aeronautica
4 - Airfield command
5 - Hangar of Reggiane (for maintenance jobs)
6 - Guards building
7 - Vehicle workshop
8 - Barracks
9 - Navigation instruments calibration site (firing for weapons calibration)
10 - Weapons calibration site (target for firing)
11 - Airstrip
12 - Water tanks
13 - Explosives and dangerous materials storage
14 - Bomb or bullets shields
15 - Warehouse
16 - Underground water reservoir for water evacuation from airfield into river Rodano
17 - Fuel tanks
18 - Underground tunnel between Officers club and Reggiane head offices

- The center of the runway (apporx where nr. 11 is placed) is 1.7m lower then rest of airfield in order to facilitate take off run from both sides of runway
- The reservoir nr. 18 was collecting ground from the field and sending it into the river Rodano. It was located there as Rodano river is lower North of the field.

The airfield in 2007


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