Plant - Reggiane fighters

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                                                                                                                                        (Photo: courtesy of Mr. Conti - approx. 1943)

Main facilities involved in aircraft production (shown in blue):

B - Airfield
C - Reggiane hangar
1..2 - Engine test benches and experimental assembly
3a - Assembly line for RE 2000 and RE 2002
3b - Assembly line for RE 2001 and RE 2002
3c - Assembly line for SM.79 and SM.81 repair
4a - Engine assembly
4b - Engine workshop
5 - Assembly of experimental aircrafts and RE 2005
7 - Heat treatments for aeronautical and engine metals - chemical lab - locomotive boilers
8 - Warehouse for aircrafts and engine parts
9 - Metal cutting room - Aircraft design offices
63 - Wooden structures for S.A.M.L. and aircrafts
88 - Aircraft design offices and static tests facility
96 - Aircraft design offices - gate - dressing room - first aid
97 - Test benches and galvanic treatments - painting
98 - Metal sheets works:
- wing sections
- metal sheets for airframes
- S79 aircraft fuselage and tail assembly
99 - Subsystems assembly:
- secondary systems assembly room
- cockpits
- cable harnesses
- light alloys
104 - Water tank
Other facilities:

A - Railway station
D - Logistic railway
13 - Locomotives construction - Heavy duty machines
14 - Locomotives covering
15 - Warehouse for molds
16 - Warehouse for boilers
17 - Boilers facility
18..19 - Warehouse of recycled materials
22 - Metal press machine
23 - Heat treatments
24 - Forging - steel parts warehouse
27 - Bronze foundry
28 - Tooling
29..30 - Maintenance
32 - Cast-iron foundry
35 - Vehicles maintenance
37 - Warehouse and shipping
40 - Heat power station
48 - Vehicle construction
49 - Machines for wood working - vehicles maintenance
50..52 - Offices - first aid - gate - diesel engines test benches
54 - Vehicle covering
59 - Old Direction offices
61 - Vehicle wood works - car paintings
65 - S.A.M.L. machines construction
66 - S.A.M.L. wood works
67 - S.A.M.L. machines fine tuning
71 - Workers cafeteria
72 - Training school
76..77 - Wood cutting and wood warehouse
79 - Warehouse for wood
84 - New cast-iron foundry (electrical foundry)
91 - Head offices
92 - Afterwork club
122 - Church
131..134 - Workers' houses

(Infos from witnesses/photos - changes could be needed)

Reggiane in 2007

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