Description - Reggiane fighters

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Aircraft > RE2006
RE 2006

By the end of 1942, Regia Aeronautica started to consider the development of fighters powered by the new DB603 engine, capable of 1750 CV.

Reggiane started the design of the new aircraft, based on the RE 2005 and modified fuselage in order to host the DB603.
On 9th May 1943, R.A. placed an order for 2  prototypes, to be built at Reggiane. After 8th September 1943 german  authorities cancelled that order.

Reggiane decided to keep on  developing at least one of the two prototypes but the factory was  destroyed by heavy bombings during 7th and 8th January 1944.

The prototype was undamaged and was then moved to the gym of Correggio (RE), where it was completed in February 1944.

After remaining undamaged during partisans' attacks, in September 1944 count Caproni ordered to move it to Taliedo.

The RE 2006 was then moved to Taliedo on 12th October 1944 in a very difficult way, but it never flew.

In  1946 british authorities checked its papers but didn't find it  interesting. On 16th June 1946 the ministry of Air Force ordered its  destruction.

Some parts were then used for teaching at Politecnico di Milano.

Nowadays only one part of the landing gear exists and it is hosted at the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica in Milano.

Main changes from RE 2005 to RE 2006:
- longer fuselage
- reinforced landing gear
- wider control surfaces
- 3 or 4 bladed propeller

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