Maraschini - Reggiane fighters

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Born in Milan on 21st June  1910.

He graduated in engineering in 1934 at Politecnico di Milano.

From 1st July 1935 he worked for "Tecnomasio italiano Brown Boveri" in Milan.

From 1st December 1936 to 4th January 1937 he worked for  "Montecatini" in Milan

In the meanwhile, between 1936 and 1937, he got a degree in aeronautical engineering at Politecnico di Torino.

From 1st October 1937 to 3rd June 1950 he worked for Officine Meccaniche Reggiane in Reggio Emilia.

He started as engineer at aircraft design division. Later he became head of the group in charge of designing the Re2005.

In 1951 and 1952 he worked for Golfetto S.p.A. in Padova.

From 1953 to 1960 he worked for "nuove Reggiane".

From 1961 to the end of his career he worked for C.O.S.I.D.E.R. in Genova.

He retired in 1975.

He moved to Verona where he passed away on 4th May 1995.

(Source Fam. Maraschini)

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