Units - Reggiane fighters

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Aircraft > RE2001

Production overview:
- 1 prototype MM408
- 1 prototype MM409
- 10 aircraft M.M.'s 08071-08080, "0" series
- 1 prototype Delta (MM 9920) prepared by Caproni at Taliedo
-  100 aircraft M.M.'s 7209-7308, subdivided by order 47 fighters, 39 attack aircrafts, 2 lightened version (basically pre-series version of OR versione) and 12 OR version, series II
- 30 aircraft M.M. 9921-99250
- 50 aircraft M.M. 90751-90800, series VI
- 50 aircraft M.M. 90000-90049
- 10 aircraft CN M.M.'s 6547-6556 built by Caproni at Predappio

- 1 aircraft MM7260 changed into lightened version upon decision of Reggiane

Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flightLast information / Cause of lossInformation

22-24.06.40 - 1st flight by De Bernardi

25.07.40-28.08.40 17 test flights Scapinelli. End of 08.40 moved to Guidonia by De Bernardi. 03.09.40-22.09.40 test flights at Guidonia by  Scapinelli. 10.40 still on Guidonia airfield
408 already assigned to a RE2000 but painted on tail.
468 assigned to a RE2001, hence more realistic

18.12.40 - 1st flight by Scapinelli
14.03.41 deadly accident near Reggio Emilia airfield due to propeller pitch control failure. Pilot Scapinelli died as aircraft impacted trees during emergency landing
Three spars wing.
21.12.40 2nd and 3rd flight by Scapinelli.
24.12.40 4th and 5th flight by Scapinelli. 01.41 accident during landing due to muddy surface. Replaced engine. 14.02.41 6th flight Scapinelli  22.02.41-14.03.41 test flights by Scapinelli.
538 (aircraft taken from "0" series, not 409)

01.07.41 - 1st flight Agello

RE2001 bis (radiators in the wing). Probably taken from "0" series, maybe even its first produced aircraft. 01.07.41-07.08.41 test flights by Agello.  07-22.08.41 aircraft at Guidonia fo tests, pilot Agello. 12.41-09.42 test flights by Agello and by De Prato. 10.41 military test by Marmolani. Then wing replaced and delivered to R.A.

Isotta Fraschini Delta
12.12.42 - 1st flight by Beretta (at Taliedo)
27.01.43 aircraft crashed due to fire during climb test. Pilot survived
04.11.42 moved to a Guidonia for flight performance measurement
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss
08071(3rd aircraft built after the 2 prototypes)

DB 834805.41 - acc. flight by Agello
11.91 Rescued in Sardinia near Capo Ferrato and currently under restoration at Air Force
Moved to Guidonia. 07.41 (23.10.41) in force at 152nd squadron. 10.07.41 returns to Reggio piloted by Ten.Col. Francois to be repaired from damages due to landing with retracted gear. Assigned then to 150th squadron for short time. 23.10.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T.  (152nd squadron) at Ravenna. 31.10.41 landed with retracted gear but can be repaired. 16.11.41 assigned to 140th squadron. 23.01.42  assigned to 1st Wing C.T. - group "C". 15.05.42 assigned to magazzino territoriale of Ravenna. Later assigned to 1st Reparto Sperimentale at Guidonia (at Guidonia on 09.02.43), where 2 Cineavia cameras are installed on the wing leading edge. Moved then to Centocelle. Used also by Seg. Magg. Geminian, Agello, Francois. 11.04.43 Serg. magg. Zangheri's task was to move the aircraft to the 24th Group in Cagliari, Sardinia. Emergency water landing during the transfer flight due to engine failure. Pilot survived. Aircraft used also in the video "Primo Volo" in yellow color.

DB 8447
21.06.41 - acc. flight by Agello
11.07.42 - acc. flight by Agello
Dismissed and wrecked in Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
23..28.06.41 tuning and comparison tests.  30.06.41 tests wth fixed tailwheel. by Ten. Col. Francois and by Agello. 01.07.41 flight tests by Agello. 02-05.07.41 moved to Guidonia for testing - pilot Agello. 06..11.07.42 tests in Reggio. 30.07.42 assigned to V GrC. 08.10.42 flight accident. 13.04.43 at NAC in Udine. 29.05.43 in Ferrara. 08.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 Version CN. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled are ready to be delivered to Formigine

DB 822325.07.41 - 1st flight by Agello
29.07.41 - acc. flight by Agello

03-07-09.08.41 flight tests. 16.09.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron). 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C" at Gorizia. 15.05.42 at Guidonia
???-2DB 8442
DB 8671
03.08.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
29.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

07..17.08.41 flight tests. 16.09.41  assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron). 08.11.41 returns to Reggiane from Ravenna to modify the air intake. 10.12.41 moved to  Gorizia to join the Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". Later moved to Reggiane for modifications. 09.03.42 landing accident in Udine, can be repaired at Reggiane. Used also by m.llo Marasco. 22.07.42 assigned to 358th squadron. 12.09.43 assigned to 1st squadron NAI

03.08.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello

07.08.41 photographed in Reggio. 16.09.41  assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron). Returned to Reggiane for modifications. 27.12.41 assigned to Gorizia to join Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". Later returned to Reggiane in order to be transformed into CN version. 23.02.43 CN version. assigned to 2nd Group - 150th squadron at Gorizia. 23.02.43 test flight by De Prato and moved to Furbara by Caracciolo for shooting tests

DB 8274
RA 44434
06.08.41 - 1st flight by Agello
19.08.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron). 16.09.41 returned to  Reggio for modifications. 08.11.41 returns to Ravenna. 3.01.42 moved to Gorizia to join Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to  Group "C". 24.09.42 moved to 60th Group, 235th squadron interceptors. 02.12.42 assigned to 234th squadron with training duties (or 23.01.42 235^, 24.09.42 1° Gruppo C, 02.12.42 234^)

RA 44470
01.09.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
Dismissed and srecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
18.10.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron) at Gorizia to join Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". Moved then to Guidonia for diving and bomb release. 15.05.42 assigned to 2nd -Group. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled are ready to be delivered to Formigine
152-11DB 8174
DB 62297
01.09.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
19.10.42 damaged during landing in Tunisia. 02.06.43 found among wrekcs at El Alouina
18.10.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (150th squadron), returns to Reggio for modifications.  26.10.41 moved to Guidonia for camera installation. 06.12.41 returns to Reggiane for modifications. 05.01.42 moved to the Group in order to join 152nd squadron. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C".

RA 44410
28.09.41 - 1st flight by Agello
06.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

22.10.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (152nd squadron). 08.11.41 returned to Reggio for modifications to the air intake. 16.11.41 assigned to 150th squadron.  10.12.41 at Gorizia to join Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". 28.02.42 incidente in atterraggio a Udine. Used also by m.llo Baldelli. 24.11.42 assigned to 60th Group, 235th squadron with training duties.

01.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
07.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

07.10.41 - on display to military authorities. Pilot De Bernardi. 22.10.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. (152nd squadron). Returns to Reggio for modifications. 08.11.41 at Ravenna. 16.11.41 assigned to 150th squadron.  27.12.41 moved to Gorizia at Nucleo addestramento. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". Used also by Ten. Pagliani
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss
152-1DB 8277
06.09.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
18.05.42 Ten. Remo Cazzolli shot down by John Gilbert. Emergency landed at Zonqor point, north of Fort San Leonardo and survived.
28.10.41 Check flight. Transferred to Gorizia. 28.12.41 assigned to 2nd Group -  152nd squadron. "Trento" displayed on aircraft
150-11DB 8173
RA 44502
09.09.41 - 1st flight by Agello
10.09.41 - acc. flight by Agello

29.10.41 check flight. Transferred to Ravenna. 07.11.41 assigned to  150th squadron. Transformed into CN version. 16.05.42 shot during combat but landed at Comiso. Pilot S.Ten. Grillo. 09.01.43 hit by a G50 at Ciampino. Pilot S.Ten. Pavan
358-3DB 8278
DB 8606
10.09.41 - 1st flight by Agello
11.09.41 - acc. flight by Agello

31.10.41 check flight. Transferred to Ravenna 07.11.41 joins 150th squadron. 02.01.42 assigned to 358th squadron.
DB 8243
11.10.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
12.07.42 not returned to be base. Shot down probably by George Beurling and Hetherington 30 km from Sicily and 35 miles from Malta. Ten. Francesco Vichi died.Changes are made at Reparto sperimentale. 08.11.41 moved to 152nd squadron at Ravenna. 15.01.42 (02.01.42) moved to 358th squadron. Used also by S.Ten. Leonardo Venturini.

RA 39119
12.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
15.10.41 - acc. flight Agello

29.10.41 controls test flight. Transferred to Gorizia. 28.12.41 assigned to 152nd squadron. 23.01.42 assigned to Group "C". Returns to Reggiane. 01 and  02.07.42 test flights by Caracciolo. 05.07.42 leaves in order to reach 150th squadron. 04.02.43 assigned to 234th squadron. 15.03.43 assigned to 232nd squadriglia. Transformed into CN version.
152-4DB 8239
15.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
16.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

31.10.41 check flight. 18.12.41 assigned to 152nd squadron at Gorizia. During transfer flight emergency landed at Poggio  Renatico due to engine failure. Returned to Reggiane and then moved to 152nd squadron. 06.06.42 Later used by Cap. Teja over Malta. Emergency belly landed once returned from mission as being hardly shot.
DB 8285
15.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
16.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello
10.06.42 Serg. Giovanni Dringoli shot down by Spitfire of Sqr. Ldr. Grant dyrung attack to Safi, Malta and ditched into sea at 20 km from Capo Pozzallo
31.10.41 check flight. Transferred to Ravenna. 08.11.41 assigned to 150th squadron.
DB 8301
18.10.41 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Agello
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita, Sardinia
Transferred to Ravenna. 07.11.41 assigned to 358th squadron. 18.05.42 returns from mission and is damaged at landing, pilot Serg. Marinucci. 06.06.42 hit by 20mm shots over Mikabba and returns to Comiso with wrecked wing,  pilot Dringoli (photo with 150-7). 26.05.43 Assigned then to 60th Group - 393rd squadron. 09.08.43 inefficient. Used also by Serg. Marinucci

DB 8217
20.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
21.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Ravenna. 08.11.41 assigned to 152nd squadron. 15.01.42 (02.01.42) assigned to 358th squadron

DB 8288
26.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Ravenna. 08.11.41 at 150th squadron. 02.02.42 assigned to Mag. Aer. to be restored after engine failure. 31.07.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 03.09.42 assigned to IV Group C. Used also by S.Ten. Ferracini. 29.01.43 can be repaired at Reggiane.
RA 39010
RA 44419
29.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
Transferred to Ravenna. 08.11.41 assigned to 358th squadron. 18.07.42 flight accident at Santo Pietro, can be repaired at squadron. 23.10.42 assigned to 22nd Group C.T. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be wrecked

DB 8375
26.01.42 - acc. flight by Agello
16.04.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by the Germans at Venafiorita
Produced late due to unknown reasons. 29.01.42 check flight by Agello.  04.04.42 test flight for choosing the engine. Pilot Agello. Engine replaced. Transferred to Ciampino. 14.08.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 03.09.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 26.12.42 assigned to 370th squadron, to 394th squadron and to S.R.A.M. at Monserrato.  24.04.43 returns to Group.
DB 8247

20.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 30.12.41 (31.12.41) assigned to 152nd squadron. 15.01.42 assigned to 358th squadron. 18.05.42 (17.05.42) damaged during landing, pilot Ten. Metellini.  30.09.42 can be repaired at Reggiane from landing gear failure during landing.
DB 8235
20.10.41 - 1st flight by Agello
21.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 28.12.41 assigned to 152nd squadron.
DB 8242
26.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello
06.06.42 shot down over Malta, probably East, by John Plagis and Reid. Pilot Serg. Aldo Geminian died.
Transferred to Gorizia. 28.12.41 assigned to 152nd squadron

RA 38974
31.10.41 - acc. flight by Agello
16.10.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
17.10.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
02.12.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Assigned to 1st Reparto Volo. Transferred to Guidonia. 13.03.42 emergency landing 17.10.42 landed with retracted gear during acceptance flight. Pilot uninjured. 03.12.42 military check by pilot Marmolani. 08.12.42 (31.12.42) in force at 152nd squadron at airport nr. 237 (means Treviso). Used also by Col. De Bernardi. Transformed into CN version. 26.02.43 located at Venegono.
DB 8234
RA 44641
07.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
Transferred to Gorizia. 30.12.41 (31.12.41) assigned to 152nd squadron. 13.05.42 inefficient due to broken tailwheel. 28.11.42 and 19.02.43 in force at 233th squadron. 25.05.43 assigned to M.S.A. at Sarzana. 08.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

DB 8253
25.11.41 - 1st flight by Agello
27.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello

16.11.41 test flight by Agello after changes to the aircraft. 02.42 photographed at Reggiane as RE2001 GV with 630 kg bomb mock-up. Taken from 22nd Group - 362nd squadron 03.42 bombing test performed at Furbara. 03.08.42 assigned to 369th squadron.
DB 8241
DB 8153
DB 11911
27.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 30.12.41 (31.12.41) assigned to 152nd squadron. 18.05.42 damaged by accident. Can be repaired at squadron.
DB 8252
25.11.41 - 1st flight by Agello
27.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello
06.06.42 shot down over mediterranean sea probably by John Plagis and Reid, East of Malta. Serg. Giuseppe Baraldi died. Body found two weeks later on floating boat.
Transferred to Gorizia. 31.12.41 assigned to 2nd Group C.T. - 152nd squadron
DB 8321
RA 33079
29.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello
30.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
Transferred to Gorizia. 31.12.41 assigned to 152nd squadron. 09.09.42 assigned to M.S.A. to NATuff. 11.10.42 assigned to 22nd Group C.T. 02.04.43 assigned to 209th squadron. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled and ready to be delivered to Formigine
DB 8312
RA 44468
29.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello
31.12.41 - acc. flight by Agello (due to engine replaced)

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 28.11.42 assigned to 233rd squadron. Tranformed into CN version.
DB 8314
30.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 19.10.42 landing accident, can be repaired at squadron. 21.10.42 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Pantelleria
DB 8324
DB 8678
30.11.41 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron 22.02.43 assigned to 232nd squadron. Transformed into CN version.
DB 8313
DB 8274
04.12.41 - acc. flight by Agello
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Bologna
06-10-11-12.12.41 flight tests for hydraulic system. Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 22.02.43 assigned to 232nd squadron. Transformed into CN version.
DB 8325
09.12.41 - begin acc. flight by Agello
30.12.41 - end of acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 10.06.42 assigned to 152nd squadron
DB 8322
10.12.41 - 1st flight by Agello
30.12.41 - acc. flight by Agello
06.06.42 Ten. Arnaldo De Merich shot down 30 km East from Malta (same area as MM7251). Seen crashing in flames with british fighter. Pilot died
Transferred to Gorizia. 31.12.41 assigned to 2nd Group. Note "Jolly" card painted on engine cowling.
DB 8326
09.12.41 - 1st flight by Agello
10.12.41 - begin acc. flight by Agello
30.12.41 - end acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 28.03.42 emergency landing. 14.06.42 landed in Tunisia. 19.10.42 landing accident. Used also by m.llo Simionato. 21.10.42 assigned to  S.R.A.M. at Pantelleria

02.01.42 - 1st flight by Agello
27.03.42 - 1st flight by Agello
13.04.42 - 1st flight by Agello
21.04.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
13.05.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
19.06.42 - 1st flight
26-27.08.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
05.06.44 assigned to german authorities and wrecked
18.01.42 2nd flight by Agello. Changes are made and flight tests performed on 27th, 30th and 31.03.42. Pilot Agello. 28.04.42 display flight by De Prato.  01.05.42 propeller test flight. 04th, 05th, 06.05.42 test flights. 15.05.42 flights by De  Prato for performance measurements. Returns to Reggiane for engine replacement. 20.06.42 test flights for performance mesurements

19.01.42 - acc. flight by Agello

20.01.42 test flight. Transferred to Gorizia. 02.02.42 at 358th squadron
RA 38974
02.01.42 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 19.01.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 02.06.42 damaged but can be repaired at Reggiane. Used also by Serg. Dringoli. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

19.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transferred to Gorizia. 04.02.42 assigned to 358th squadron. 20.04.42 assigned to S.R.A.M. to be repaired. 24.04.42 landing accident at Ciampino, can be repaired at squadron. Used also by Serg. Breghin.
RA 44392
16-18-19.01.42 test flights and acc. flight by Caracciolo and Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 02.02.42 assigned to 358th squadron. 19.04.42 landed with retracted gear. Assigned to S.R.A.M at Ciampino. 31.08.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. 12.01.43 landing accident. 28.12.43 from 155th Group at Lecce 05.01.44 assigned to 82nd squadron and later to 51st Wing. 06.01.44 at 101st Group and then assigned to training school at Leverano
RA 38977
19.01.42 - acc. flight by Agello

Transferred to Gorizia. 02.02.42 at 358th squadron. 16.05.42 hit by a Bf109 at Comiso. Used also by Ten. Col. Quarantotti. 22.10.42 assigned to Comando Caccia Borea
RA 39069
19.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transferred to Gorizia. 21.01.42 test flight. 02.02.42 at 358th squadron. 12.05.42 emergency landed after combat and fire onboard. Pilot De Marchio will die from burn wounds in hospital one month later
RA 38926
19.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transferred to Gorizia.  04.02.42 delivered to 150th squadron. 12.05.42 landed with retracted gear due to malfunctions from caused by combat,can be repaired at squadron. Used also by Ten. Col. Quarantotti.
DB 8152
19.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
26.05.42 Cap. Annibale Sterzi did not return from mission. Pilot died. Aircraft crashed vertically in flames in a field near Ghaxaq. Pilot bailed out but parachute didn't open properly. Pilot died near Luqa. (Sources: Chosres, "Malta spitfire years 1942", Massimello)Transferred to Gorizia. 02.02.42 assigned to 358th squadron

DB 816219.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
02.03.42 - acc. flight by Agello

At S. Pietro. Returns to Reggiane for engine replacement. 04.03.42 test flight by Caracciolo. 31.05.42 at 2nd Group - 150th squadron.
358-9DB 8109
RA 44418
22.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transferred to Gorizia. 04.02.42 assigned to 358th squadron. At Ciampino for changes. 05-06.42 used by Ten. Giorgio Gasperoni in Caltagirone. 05.02.43 assigned to 234th squadron.
RA 38981
26.01.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
13.03.42 (14.03.42) completely burned down on ground by fire
27-28.01.42 test flights by Agello. 09.03.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 10.05.42 engine to be replaced
RA 39006
27.01.42 - 1st flight by Agello
30.01.42 - acc. flight by Agello
10.06.42 ditched into sea off the Tunisians coast. Pilot m.llo Treggia safe.09.03.42 at 150th squadron. 15.05.42 emergency landing due to malfunction (Ten. Col. Quarantotti) and hit on the ground by a taxiing Me.109 t Comiso. Can be repiared at squadron.
RA 31996
03.03.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
11.03.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transferred from Centro Sperimentale Guidonia to S. Pietro. 16.05.42 (17.05.42) in force at 358th squadron. 21.05.42 damaged by exploded tire. Can be repaired at squadron. 16.06.42 returns to Reggiane to be repaired.
DB 8230
03.02.42 - acc. flight by Agello
06.06.42 did not return from mission at 30 km East from Malta. Last radio communication to other pilots was about engine failure. Pilot S.Ten. Leonardo Venturini died.04.02.42 test flight. Transferred from 1st Group C to S. Pietro. 16.05.42 at 358th squadron.
DB 8392
31.03 and 02-03.04.42 - test flights by Agello
04.03.42 acc. flight by Agello
30.04.43 - acc. flight (at Predappio)

Transferred from 1st Group C to S. Pietro. 16.05.42 at 358th squadron. 06.06.42 damaged during landing from military operations due to pilot sickness (Serg.  Patriarca). 16.06.42 returns to Reggiane to be repaired. 31.05.43 engine malfunction (Predappio). 30.06.43 shooting tests (Predappio)

DB 8400
02.04.42 - 1st flight by Agello
15.04.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

13.04.42 2nd flight by Agello. 31.05.42 at 2nd Group - 358th squadron. 16.06.42 at Reggiane to be repaired

DB 8402
15.04.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
16.04.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
30.06.43 - acc. flight (at Predappio)

At S. Pietro. 10.06.42 assigned to 152nd squadron. 30.06.43 shooting tests (Predappio)

DB 8396
RA 44350
13.04.42 - acc. flight by Agello
12.07.42 did not return from search of Ten. Vichi. Shot down by George Beurling off the sicilian coast. Pilot Ten. Seganti died.At S. Pietro. 04.06.42 (06.06.42) assigned to 358th squadron

DB 8371
15.04.42 - acc. flight by Agello

At S. Pietro. 04.06.42 (06.06.42) assigned to 152th squadron. 02.09.42 emergency landing by Serg. Braghin on a small field due to engine seizure during transfer flight. Engine replaced on site. 22.10.42 (31.10.42) assigned to Comando Caccia Borea. Recovered by Larese.
DB 8373
DB 8212
19.05.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 14.08.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 15.09.42 at Guidonia for tests, then at Sciacca.

RA 38962
RA 44355
20.05.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
23.05.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

20th, 21st, 22nd and 23.05.42 flights by De Prato. Transferred to Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 03.09.42 assigned to 369th squadron. At Catania for servicing.
RA 39014
20.01.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
21.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
03.43 lifting tests. 07.43 ready at Reggiane for catapult launch tests on Miraglia ship. 08.09.43 at 1st squadron Riserva Aerea delle Forze Navali at Sarzana. 18.01.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked
DB 8446
16.05.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
05.06.42 - 1st flight after engine replacement by Caracciolo
06.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

27th and 29.05.42 2nd and 3rd flight by Caracciolo. Returnes to Reggiane for engine replacement. Returns to Reggiane for transformation into "alleggerita" (lightened) version. 25.06.42 at Genova for mounting on catapult tests on partial mock up of Aquila ship at Sampierdarena. 13.10.42 1st test flight lightened version. 15-16.10.42  4 test flights for weight balance, pilot De Prato. 16.01.43 maneuverability tests, pilot De Prato. 12.02.43 other tests before transfer to S. Egidio airfield - Perugia . 14.02.43 delivered to 160th Group, che and assigned to 394th squadron, for carrrier borne operations. 12.03.43 landed with retracted gear. 19.03.43 assigned to M.S.A. at Perugia. 06.43 at Reggiane to be repaired. Used also by m.llo Tassinari.

RA 44355
RA 44644
20.08.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
18.06.43 shot down during combat in the Venafiorita area. Pilot Serg. Dante Bavutti died.21.08.42 military check by m.llo Orlandini. Transferred to S. Pietro. 08.09.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 26.12.42 assigned to 370th squadron. 02.06.43 assigned to 160th Group  C.T. - 375th squadron. Could be a OR version due to delay of release, as well as the following 10 aircraft. Then assigned to 394th squadron.

DB 8617
22.08.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
28.08.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
30.08.42 military test flight by m.llo Orlandini. Transferred to S. Pietro. 08.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 16.11.42 assigned to SRAM at Comiso. Can be repaired at Reggiane. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44  normal fighter version. 21.04.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled and ready to be delivered to Formigine

DB 8407
RA 44630
24.08.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
28.08.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

30.08.42 military test flight by m.llo Orlandini. Transferred to S. Pietro. 08.09.42 assigned to 269th squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. 11.04.43 assigned to 160th Group

RA 44394
25.08.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
28.08.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
22.10.43 wreck at Venafiorita.
30.08.42 military test flight by m.llo Orlandini. Transferred to S. Pietro. At 22nd Group. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. 28.02.43 damaged in combat. 11.03.43 (11.04.43) at 160th Group C.T. - 393rd squadron. 25.05.43 assigned to Magazzino due to accident. Used also by Ten. Bertonaso.
RA 44342
RA 44464
28.08.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
28.03.44 Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
At S. Pietro. 30.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 11.03.43 at 160th Group C.T. - 370th squadron. 28.04.43 assigned to 375th squadron. 09.08.43 at Sarzana. Then captured by Germans. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Lucca. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

RA 44327
29.08.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo

At S. Pietro. 30.09.42 assigned to 362nd squadron.
RA 38970
29.08.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo

At S. Pietro. 30.09.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. Assigned to 24th Group C.T. 19.03.43 (21.03.43) assigned to 160th Group - 393rd squadron. 20.05.43 emergency landing. Pilot Serg. Di PAoli. 08.43 at MEtato. 10.09.43 captured by Germans.

30.08.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
31.08.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Bologna
17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed in CN version. 31.05.43 e  31.07.43 at Reggiane as sample for bomb hook installation

RA 44346
31.08.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At S. Pietro. 14.10.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron.

RA 38994
31.08.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At S. Pietro. 14.10.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 12.11.42 assigned to SRAM at Pantelleria. Can be repaired at Reggiane.
394-1DB 8574
29.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
30.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Lightened version for catapult test. Returns to Reggiane for modifications. 20.12.42 arrestor hook tests at Reggiane airfield.  12.02.43 other hook tests. 26.02.43 (27.02.43) assigned to 393rd (or 375th) squadron at S. Egidio airfield - Perugia. 17.03.43 assigned to M.S.A. at Perugia. Other tests are then performed. Pilot: m.llo Desideri. 07-08.06.43 second group of tests at Perugia with hook type "I" (intermediate). Pilot: Tullio De Prato. Before 08.09.43 moved to Castiglion del Lago then captured by Germans.

DB 64xx
31.07.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo

Transformed into lightened version. 20.12.42 hook test flights. 26.02.43 (27.02.43) assigned to 160th Group - 375th (or 393rd) squadron. Pilot Serg. Ghini. 19.03.43 assigned to M.S.A. at Perugia. 07-08.06.43 second group of tests at Perugia with hook type "EC" (estrema coda - tail edge). Pilot: Tullio De Prato. Some days before 08.09.43 moved to Castiglion del Lago and shortly after moved to Gorizia, at R.E.S.B.A. During RSI in force at ANR.

RA 44387
RA 30110
27.05.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
29.05.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At S. Pietro. 22.07.42 at 358th squadron. 25.08.42 (22.07.42) assigned to 102nd Gruppo Tuffatori. 14.01.43 flight accident, can be repaired at Reggiane - 358th squadron.
DB 8428
RA 44410
DB 64963
29.05.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
30.05.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
At. S. Pietro. 22.07.42 assigned to 358th squadron. 22.12.42 flight accident at Tarquinia. 11.03.43 at MSA Tarquinia. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Lucca. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

31.05.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At S. Pietro. 24.07.42 assigned to 152nd squadron

RA 20041
09.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
10.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At. S. Pietro. 29.07.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 28.01.43 accident at S. Pietro, can be repaired at Reggiane. Transformed into CN version.
13.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
16.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

15.06.42  2nd flight by Caracciolo. At. S. Pietro. 26.07.42 assigned to 152nd squadron. 12-14.08.42 shot by Sea Hurricane on the way back from escort duty during attack to "Pedestal" convoy, pilot Metellini (photo) 16.08.42 assigned to M.S.A. to be repaired. Assigned then to 51st Wing. 28.12.43 from 155th Gr. at Lecce. 06.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori, then to training school in Leverano.

RA 44450
16.06.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato

At. S. Pietro. 26.07.42 assigned to 150th squadron. 28.01.43 assigned to 232nd squadron at Caselle. 15.03.43. Transformed into CN version.

DB 8399
08.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
10.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At S. Pietro. 29.07.42 (27.07.42) assigned to 358th squadron. Accident not on Reggio airfield, probably with retracted gear. 26.10.42 assigned to SRAM at Sciacca. 2001 CN version
RA 44637
RA 44938
10.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
11.06.42 used for video shooting. 29.06.42 (29.07.42) assigned to 152nd squadron. 15.02.43 assigned to 234th squadron at Venegono, poi 94-3, captured by Germans at Metato on 10.09.43. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Lucca. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked
DB 8327
DB 63636
18.06.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
20.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
At S. Pietro. 29.07.42 assigned to 152nd squadron. 15.02.43 at 1st NAI at Treviso. 28.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled are ready to be delivered to Formigine
DB 8444
RA 44705
DB 8676
13.06.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
At. S. Pietro 29.07.42 (27.07.42) moved to 358th squadron. At Guidonia for changes. 28.11.42 (25.01.43) at 233rd squadron. 17.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

19.06.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
20.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At. S. Pietro. 29.07.42 in force at 150th squadron

DB 8677
21.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
25.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Guidonia for changes. Assigned to 358th squadron. 03.02.43 assigned to 233rd squadron. (15.3.43)

DB 8262
23.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
24.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 23.10.42 assigned to MSA at Ciampino. Can be repaired at Reggiane.

DB 8224
24.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 15.03.43 assigned to 370th squadron.

DB 8449
25.06.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
26.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
06.12.42 show down near Bona. S.Ten. Arrigo Pederzolli died.
At Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron.

DB 8445
26.06.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
27.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 28.11.42 accident at takeoff. Assigned to MSA at Gela. Can be repaired at Reggiane.

DB 8476
29.06.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
At Ciampino. 14.08.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 19.11.42 accident at takeoff. Assigned to SRAM at Comiso. Then assigned to 238th squadron and to SRAM 508. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled and ready to be delivered to Formigine

DB 8477
RA 44488
29.06.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

At Ciampino. 14.08.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 16.08.42 replaced right wing. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. Assigned to 51st Wing -  82nd Squadron. 06.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori, then to training school in Leverano.

DB 8460
30.06.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

01st and 02.07.42 test flights by Caracciolo. At Ciampino. 14.08.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 28.11.42 assigned to SRAM at Pantelleria. Can be repaired at Reggiane.

RA 44354
02.07.42 - 1st flight and acc. flght by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 10.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. Assigned to 24th Wing C.T. 15.04.43 assigned to 160th Group -  394th squadron. 11.05.43 at Sarzana for RTF testing with Regia  Marina

DB 8475
03.07.42 - st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
13.08.42 crashed into sea during combat. Pilot Ten. Crimi died.At Ciampino. 04.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron.

RA 44369
04.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
11th and 13.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
22.10.43 wreck at Venafiorita.During acc. flight, engine malfunction and engine replaced. 04.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. Later assigned to 24th Gruppo  C.T. 19.04.43 assigned to 160th Group - 394th squadron. Used also by Serg. Dante Baiutti.

RA 44361
06.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
06.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
11.10.42 lost during combat on Malta after having bombing Takali. M.llo Romano Pesavento died.At Ciampino. 03.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 03.09.42 assigned to 369th squadron.

DB 8474
07.07.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo
05.12.42 crashes with fire during landing accident at Monserrato. Pilot Serg. Ferruccio Miazzo died.
At Ciampino. 03.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron.

DB 60454
06.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
07.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 03.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 24.03.43 (01.04.43) at 160th Group - 393rd squadron. 22.04.43 at Sarzana for RTF testing for Regia Marina. Used also by Serg. Magg. Trombino.

RA 38950
08.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

31.07.42 Cap. Cervellin at Ciampino. Assigned to 362nd squadron. 28.08.42 yaw at landing at Ciampino, can be repaired at REggiane. Pilot Serg. Miazzo. 04.09.42 assigned to CSA Furbara.

DB 8464
RA 31269
08.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita
At Ciampino. 30.07.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 07.11.42 at Tunis. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. Assigned to 160th Gruppo C.T. - 394th squadron. 09.08.43 inefficent. USed also by Ten. Sella.

RA 44365
09.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
11.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
18.10.42 ditches into sea NW from Capo S. Vito due to engine failure. Cap. Germano La Ferla injured.At Ciampino. 29.07.42 assigned to 362nd squadron.

RA 44349
DB 8629
10.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
11.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

At Ciampino. 30.07.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. 26.01.43 accident during takeoff, can be repaired at Reggiane. Then assigned to 82nd squadron then to 51st Wing. 06.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori, - 238th squadron, then to training school in Leverano. Used also by m.llo Cardines.

DB 64925
13.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
14.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
22.10.43 wreck at Venafiorita.At Ciampino. 30.07.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. In force at 160th Gruppo C.T., then assigned to S.R.A.M. at Monserrato. 26.04.43 assigned to 160th Group - 394th squadron. Used also by Serg. Mahh. Crabbia.
362RA 44362
15.07.42 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
17.09.42 ditches into sea during training flight. Pilot Serg. Vannini died.Ar Ciampino. 29.07.42. assigned to 22nd Group - 362nd squadron

15.07.42 - acc. flight by De Prato


RA 44353
RA 44710
29.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
30.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

03.08.42 test flight by m.llo Marmolani. At Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 02.09.42 flight accident ar Ciampino, can be repaired at Reggiane. Pilot Serg. Vannucci wounded. 03.09.42 assigned to 369th squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron.

RA 39123
29.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
30.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

03.08.42 test flight by m.llo Marmolani. 31.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 03.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 27.12.42 assigned to 354th squadron. 11.04.43 assigned to 160th Group.

DB 8449
RA 44330
30.07.42 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
31.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
Returned to squadron or Group, on 15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita
03.08.42 test flight by m.llo Marmolani. 25.08.42 at Ciampino. 01.09.42 assigned to 359th squadron. 26.12.42 assigned to 370th squadron. Assigned then to 160th Group and to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. 26.04.43 (28.04.43) at 160th Group - 375th squadron. 11.05.43 (22.04.43) at Sarzana for RTF testing with Regia Marina

RA 44333
31.07.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita. 22.10.43 wreck in Venafiorita.
03.08.42 test flight by m.llo Marmolani. 25.08.42 at Ciampino. 31.08.42 assigned to 362nd squadron. 03.09.42 assignd to 369th squadron. 26.12.42 assigned to 370th squadron. 11.03.43 (28.04.43) at 375th dquadron. 22.04.43 at Sarzana for RTF testing with Regia Marina. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss

27.11.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

Returned to Reggiane to be transformed into RE2001 G (torpedo version). 23.12.42 further flights by Caracciolo. 27.12.42 flights by De Prato. 12.02.43 photographed at Reparto Sperimentale. Moved to Gorizia at Scuola Aerosiluranti.
28.11.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
29.11.42 - acc. flight
Found wrecked with german markings by the British at Viterbo

RA 44453
28.11.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 at 160th Gruppo C.T. - 394th squadron 02.04.43 assigned to 375th squadron 04.04.43 crashed during landing 10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. After 08.09.43 assigned to Aerounautica del Sud 24.12.43 turns over in Catania.

29.11.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

22.03.43 at Decimonannu. 24.03.43 assigned to 160th Group. 10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at  Decimomannu, then assigned to 51st Wing - 82nd squadron. 08.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori. Later assigned to training school in Leverano.

RA 44775
RA 44417
30.11.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita
17.03.43 assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 assigned to 160th Group. 10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. 10.05.43 assigned to 160th Group - 375th squadron. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

RA 44804
27.12.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo (landed in Modena and returned back)

20-25.01.43 fuel tanks compensation tests by De Prato. Assigned to 208th squadron. 17.03.43 assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. Assigned then to 160th Gruppo C.T., to 21st Gruppo C.T. 15.10.43 assigned to 51st Wing - 456th squadron, then to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori and to 371st squadron of Scuola Addestramento Caccia in Leverano. 22.10.43 at 21st Lecce/San Donato. 01.06.44 hits C205 9309. Can be repaired at squadron. Used also by Serg. Munich.

DB 11375
27.12.42 - 1st flight by De Prato
28.12.42 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita
31.12.42 flight by De Prato. Assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 at 160th Gruppo C.T. 10.04.43 (12.04.43) assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. 13.05.43 assigned to 375th squadron. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

28.12.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

29.12.42 check flight by De Prato. 17.03.43 assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu.

RA 44500
29.12.42 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

17.03.43 assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 at 160th Gruppo C.T. 02.04.43 assigned to 375th squadron. (10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu). 15.04.43 (02.04.43) returns to Group (375th squadron). 06.07.43 at MSA Venafiorita.

31.12.42 - acc. flight by De Prato

22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 assigned to 160th Group - 394th squadron. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron. 20.08.43 repaired. 1708.43 transferred to Guidonia.

01.01.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 at 160th Gruppo C.T. 01.04.43 assigned to 393rd squadron. 10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. 04.05.43 repaired. 21.08.43 found by the British at Littorio airport (nowadays Dell'Urbe airport) at Rome. 15.10.43 assigned to 21th Gruppo C.T. , then to 51st Wing - 456th squadron. 22.10.43 at 21st Lecce/San Donato at Leverano. 03.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori, then to 371st squadron of Scuola Addestramento  Caccia at Leverano 30.03.45 at Palese. Used also by Serg. Brunelli.

04.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita airfield
12.02.43 test flight by Caracciolo at Furbara airfield after some modifications. Assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 in force at 160th Group - 393th squadron. Used also by Serg. Magg. Valenti. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

04.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita
22.03.43 at Decimomannu. Assigned to 394th squadron. 24.03.43 assigned to 160th Group. 10.04.43 assigned to S.R.A.M. at Decimomannu. 26.04.43 at 160th Gruppo - 393rd squadron. Used also by m.llo Agonigi. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

07.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44 (9034: 9934 or 90034 ?)
07.02.44 arrived at Bologna from Turin 08.02.44 arrived at Pavullo from Bologna, pilot De Prato. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

DB 63365
07.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

Assigned to 300th squadron. 01.05.43 assigned to 90th squadron. 20.05.43 assigned to 167th. 22.10.43 assigned to LEcce/San Donato. 03.01.44 assigned to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori from the 51st Wing -  456th squadron. Used also by Ten. Baroni and Ten. Morichelli. Assigned then to 208th squadron, to the school in Leverano. 3011.45 at Palese.

25.01.43 - 1° volo e collaudo De Prato e Caracciolo

27.01.43 military check flight by m.llo Fortunato. 17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

25.01.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
25.01.43 military check flight by m.llo Fortunato. 17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. Then assigned to 160th Gruppo C.T. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Treviso. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 15.04.44 Disassembly started

03.02.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

03.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

03.02.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

03.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

13.02.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
15.02.43 - acc. flight  by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

03.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. 05.05.43 leaves 300th squadron. Emergency landing at Castelluccia. Used also by Cap. Barbetta.

04.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Assigned to 300th squadron. 17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. 01.05.43 assigned to 90th squadron. 20.05.43 assigned to 160th Group. Used also by m.llo Salvatore.

05.02.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
06.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. 22.10.43 found at Lecce/San Donato. 03.01.44 assigned from 51st Wing - 456th squadron to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori.  09.01.44 assigned to S.R.A.M., then to school in Leverano
RA 44935
23.02.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. Assigned then to 233rd squadron. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 18.05.44 Disassembled and ready to be delivered to Formigine

25.02.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

28.02.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

29.02.43 military check by m.llo Fortunato. Assigned to 300th squadron. 17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. 01.05.43 assigned to 90th squadron. 20.05.43 assigned to 167th Group. 22.10.43 at Lecce San Donato. 03.01.44 assigned from 51st Wing - 456th squadron to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori. Later assigned to school in Leverano, 208th squadron. Used also by m.llo Martelli. 9.11.47 at Treviso.

28.02.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version. 03.01.44 assigned to 356th squadron. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Treviso. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked
995001.03.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
20.03.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
Assigned to 233rd squadron. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss

08.03.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato


05.03.43 - acc. flight by De Prato and check by Caracciolo

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

09.03.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

17.03.43 returned to Reggiane to be transformed into CN version

14.03.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
15.03.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecket at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
16.03.43 military check by m.llo Fortunato. 28.04.43 at Furbara and equipped with special liquid air bomb. 03.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 10.04.44 disassembly started

05.03.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

Delivered to 160th Gruppo C.T. 15.10.43 in force at 21th Gruppo C.T. at Galatina

08.05.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

In force at 232nd squadron. 17.08.43 intercepts 2 bombers. Pilot Ten. Balli.

31.03.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
01.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

13.04.43 test flight by Caracciolo

31.03.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
01.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
22.10.43 wreck in Capua

31.03.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
14.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

Assigned to 2nd Gruppo C.T. - 358th squadron. CN version. 14.05.43 at Venafiorita.

02.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita. 22.10.43 wreck in Venafiorita
03-04.04.43 Televel tests by Caracciolo. Assigned to 358th squadron, then to 160th Gruppo C.T. - 394th squadron. CN version. 14.05.43 at Venafiorita. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.
RA 44731
03.04.43 - acc. flight by  De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
Assigned to 358th squadron. 27.01.44 arrived at Pavullo. CN version. 114.05.43 at Venafiorita. 10.09.43 captured by Germans at Metato.

RA 44824
05.04.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by Caracciolo
15.09.43 Burned down by Germans at Venafiorita
Assigned to 2nd Group - 358th squadron, then to 160th Group. 14.05.43 at Venafiorita. 10.06.43 assigned to 375th squadron.

07.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

Assigned to 358th squadron. CN version. 14.05.43 at Venafiorita. 21.08.43 transferred from Venafiorita to Roma.

08.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

14.05.43 in force to 160th Group

RA 44500
09.04.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
12.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

Assigned to 2nd Group - 358th squadron. CN version. 14.05.43 at Venafiorita. 10.06.43 assigned to 375th squadron.

09.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

12-15.04.43 fuel tank pressure compensation tests by Caracciolo. 14.05.43 assigned to 160° Gruppo C.T. - 394th squadron. Used also by Serg. Baiutti. After 08.09.43 assigned to Aeronautica del Sud

09.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

10.09.43 fuel tank pressure compensation tests by Caracciolo

RA 44674
13.04.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

14.05.43 in force to 160° Gruppo C.T. - 375th squadron. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron. 20.08.43 repaired.

12.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato


14.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita. 22.10.43 wreck in Venafiorita.
14.05.43 assigned to 160° Group - 393rd squadron. Used also by Ten. Francinetti. 11.08.43 can be repaired at Reggiane.

30.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes

30.04.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes

30.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato


RA 44894
30.04.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned by Germans in Venafiorita
31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 23.06.43 at 160th Group - 375th squadron. 11.08.43 can b repaired at squadron.

01.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 06.07.43 at 160th Group. In  1944 it is in force to 101st Group then assigned to school in Leverano, 208th squadron.

01.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
21.03.45 crashed and destroyed by flight accident in Leverano. Pilot S.Ten. Elio Miotto died.Assigned to 160th Group. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron. 22.10.43 found at Lecce/San Donato. 03.01.44 assigned from 51st Wing - 456th squadron to 101st Gruppo Tuffatori. Then to school in Leverano, 208th squadron.

01.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes.

01.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato


06.05.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
03.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

06.05.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes.

08.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes.

08.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes.

11.05.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
12.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
08.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita. 22.10.43 wreck in Venafiorita.
M.llo Marmolani makes test flights comparison for coolant radiators. 31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 07.06.43 test flight comparison with Fim radiators. 07.07.43 (06.07.43) assigned to 160th Group - 375th squadron. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

12.05.43 - 1st flight by Casarotto
13.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
08.06.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

14.05.43 test flight by Casarotto. 15.05.43 test flight comparison for coolant radiators by m.llo Orlandini. Aircraft returns to Reggiane for radiator replacement (as for  90783). 31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 07.06.43 test flight comparison with Fim radiators, pilot Orlandini. 06.07.43 at 160th Group. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron. 20.08.43 repaired.

15.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

Assigned to 160th Group. 31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 15.10.43 moved to 21st Group - 82nd squadron at Galatina.

18.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita
31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 23.06.43 assigned to 160th Group - 393rd squadron. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

15.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes.

21.05.43 - acc. flight by  De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 30.06.43 at disposal for air defense

26.05.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 30.06.43 at disposal for air defense. From photo, it's equipped with 20mm wing guns

02.06.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
01.04.44 damaged at 35% by a Bf109 taking off in Bad Vöslau (Austria) at JG107. According to other source: JG108
30.06.43 at disposal for air defense. 24.07.43 assigned to 393rd squadron. 11.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

31.05.43 - acc. flight
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
31.05.43 fine tuning - completion delayed by known changes. 30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. At 08.09.43 is completed but not released for 1st flight.  14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 07.04.44 Disassembly started

04.06.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
05.06.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 14.04.44 Disassembly started

05.06.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
22.10.43 wreck at Venafiorita. 31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked

08.06.43 - acc. flight
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. At 08.09.43 is completed but not released for 1st flight. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 10.04.44 Disassembly started

08.06.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. 22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 14.04.44 Disassembly started

10.06.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo from Ferrara. 19.03.44 OR version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 06.04.44 Disassembly started

23.06.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
05.06.44 assigned to german authorities and wrecked
30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing.

26.06.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo

28.06.43 militaary check by Cap. De Nicola. 30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing.

28.06.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
24.08.43 - acc. flight by Casarotto
30.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

29.06.43 flight by Caracciolo. 01.07.43 flight by Caracciolo. 01.09.43 waiting fo catapult.
9080029.06.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo
29.08.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
31.08.43 - collaudo Caracciolo

30.06.43 modified tail replacement ongoing. 01.09.43 waiting fo catapult.
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss

05.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 ready to be picked up

05.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato


05.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

07.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

07.07.43 military check by cap. De Nicola


07.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
Dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo between 01.03-09.05.44
22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Venegono. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked
DB 32075 or 32076
12.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning. 27.01.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

13.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato


15.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

23.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Bologna
31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

20.07.43 - 1st flight by De Prato
23.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans at Venafiorita. 22.10.43 found wreck at Venafiorita.
31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning. Assigned to 160th Group - 394th squadron

02.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

30.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Bologna
31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

03.08.43 - 1st flight by Caracciolo
04.08.43 - acc. flight by Caracciolo


30.07.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning
02.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

31.07.43 at Reggiane for fine tuning

04.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato

27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara)

06.08.43 - 1st flight and acc. fight by De Prato

27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara)

07.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 Destroyed by fire in Venafiorita while in force to 160th Group - 393rd squadron. 22.10.43 found wreck at Venafiorita.
27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara)

09.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 Destroyed by fire in Venafiorita while in force to 160th Group - 394th squadron. 22.10.43 found wreck at Venafiorita.
27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara)

12.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita. 22.10.43 found wreck in Venafiorita.
27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara). Assigned to 393rd squadron

11.08.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
15.09.43 Burned down by Germans while in force to 394th squadron
27.08.43 ready for delivery. CN version wing cannon installation ready. Located at airport nr. 214 (means Ferrara)

03.09.43 - 1st flight and acc. flight by De Prato
05.06.44 assigned to german authorities and wrecked


06.09.43 - acc. flight by De Prato
05.06.44 assigned to german authorities and wrecked


08.09.43 - acc. flight
08.01.44 destroyed by bombing on Reggiane (photo Govi).

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
Completed but not tested as not of interest for Germans. Remained at Reggiane.

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane or wrecked at Pavullo (see 9934)
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice

08.01.44 probably damaged or destroyed by the allied bombing on Reggiane
To be completed but not finished due to stop related to the armistice
Engine DB601 / RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss

DB 8259

04.12.42 (05.12.42) assigned to 2nd Group - 152nd squadron. Located at airport 237 (means Treviso). 05.02.43 assigned to 234th squadron at Venegono. Transformed into CN version.

DB 8118

15.01.43 assigned to 370th squadron. 05.01.44 in force at 51st Wing - 101st Gruppo Tuffatori, then to school in Leverano as cobelligerent

RA 39079

31.03.44 Reported as dismissed and wrecked at Pavullo
04.12.42 (31.12.42) assigned to 2nd Group - 152nd squadron. Located at airport 237 (means Treviso) 19.02.43 assigned to 232nd squadron at Caselle. Then ground accident by hitting a C200 5082 during taxiing. Used also by Serg. Magg. F. Giordano. 03.02.44 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

DB 8398

15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita.
17.01.43 assigned to 354th squadron at Monserrato. Then assigned to 160th Group - 375th squadron. 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

Located in Sardinia. 20.02.44 moved to 5th Wing (with short term assignment to 51st Wing). Later cobelligerent.

RA 44520

26.01.43 assigned to 238th squadron. Located at airport 113 (means Lonate Pozzolo). 14.12.43 arrived at Pavullo. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked

31.05.43 - acc. flight

31.05.43 and 30.06.43 fine tuning

DB 8347

15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita.
15.03.43 assigned to 160th Group - 375th squadron. Performed arrestor hook tests at S. Egidio airfield - Perugia, together with other "lightened" aircraft. 16.03.43 assigned to 394th squadron. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu (or 15.03.43 at 394th, then to 375th). 09.08.43 can be repaired at squadron.

22.01.44 arrived at Pavullo from Treviso. 19.03.44 CN version. To be dismissed and wrecked. 14.04.44 Disassembly started

28.02.43 - acc. flight
15.09.43 burned down by Germans in Venafiorita
17.03.43 fine tuning in Predappio. 22.03.43 at Decimomannu. 24.03.43 and 01.04.43 at 393rd squadron. 17.04.43 waiting for technical inspection. 17.08.43 transferred from Venafiorita to Guidonia.

Aircraft with partial information or unknown markings:

M.M.n/cMarkingsEngine DB601/ RA1000 nr.
1st flight/ Acceptance flight
Last information / Cause of loss

06.07.42 shot down by George Beurling and other pilots. Crashed at Malta, near Zeitun. Pilot S.Ten. Romano Pagliani died. 152nd squadron.

12.07.42 Ten. Col. Aldo Quarantotti missing during search for Ten. Vichi while flying towards Malta. Shot down by George Beurling. 150th squadron.

12.08.42 S.Ten. Antonio Bizio died in the area of La Galite. 152nd squadron.

18.06.43 394th squadron. Damaged during combat and emergeny landed near San Teodoro. Serg. Angelo Birago injured.

24.06.43 375th squadron. Aircraft of Cap. Livio Forastieri and of m.llo Osvaldo Cuffi damahed in combat.

14.08.42 shot down by spitfire of William Marshall about 10 miles from Malta and 20 km North-East of Linosa. Magg. Pier Giuseppe Scarpetta died. 150th squadron.

14.08.42 shot down by spitfire of William J. Johnson about 10 miles from Malta and 20 km North-East of Linosa. Ten. Giorgio Pocek jumped out with parachute and survived. 150th squadron.

14.08.42 shot down by spitfire of William J. Johnson about 10 miles from Malta and 20 km North-East from Linosa. Ten. Isidoro Disint died. 150^ squadron.

17.07.43 150th squadron. Cap. Giovanni Bonet wounded in combat.

19.07.43 303rd squadron. Ten. Bruno Serotini shot down over su Roma. Died as parachute didn't open.

19.07.43 303rd squadron. Collision during takeoff with german aircraft. Cap. Edmondo Massi died.

25.07.43 150th squadron. Aircraft damaged. Serg. Rino Reggiani injured.

21.08.43 359th squadron. Damaged in combat. Serg. Magg. Lucio Biagini survived.

31.08.43 358th squadron. amaged in combat. Emergency landed. M.llo Riccardo Castelletti survived.

03.45 100% damaged at airfield West of Frankfurt
31.03.45 RE2001 inspected by USAF personnel at airfield West of Frankfurt

- RE2001, Sergio Govi, Apostolo Editore
- Archivio Reggiane, documents BE27, IS28, IS44, IS49
- A special thank to Mr. Giovanni Massimello for providing the information about royal Air Force from his archive
- A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940-1945. Volume 4, Guest, Massimello, Shores
- Ali e colori, Caccia Reggiane, Waldis
- Storia militare, 9-10, 2017
- Daolio GIanni, M.llo Pilota OLINDO SIMIONATO
(C) All rights reserved
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